Just Haskell or Nothing

John Chee

@chee1bot on Twitter | @cheecheeo on Github

Some libraries that we'll be using for this presentation

module JustHaskellOrNothing where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
Donald Knuth


Maybe in action

Maybe can be used to represent nulled values

In Javascript:

> 20 * 2 + 2 + null


mysql> select 20 * 2 + 2 + null;
| 20 * 2 + 2 + null |
|              NULL |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

In Haskell:

λ: fmap (20 * 2 + 2 +) Nothing

Maybe can be used to represent possibly-failed computations

Rather than:

λ: head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
λ: safeHead []
λ: safeHead [1,2,3,4]
Just 1
λ: safeHead [42]
Just 42


λ: 12 `div` 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
λ: 12 `safeDiv` 0
λ: 42 `safeDiv` 2
Just 21

Maybe itself

Definition & usage

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a


λ: [0..5]
λ: [Nothing] ++ map Just [0..5]
[Nothing,Just 0,Just 1,Just 2,Just 3,Just 4,Just 5]
λ: [True, False]
λ: [Nothing] ++ map Just [True, False]
[Nothing,Just True,Just False]

Some functions that construct Maybes

safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safeHead []      = Nothing
safeHead (x : _) = Just x
safeDiv :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
safeDiv n d =
  if d == 0
    then Nothing
    else Just (n `div` d)

Parsing North American phone numbers

In this case a phone number that isn't valid maps to Nothing.

data PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber Integer Integer Integer
  deriving (Show)

parsePhoneNumber :: Integer -> Maybe PhoneNumber
parsePhoneNumber n =
  if n >= 2002000000 && n < 10000000000 -- the correct number of digits
    then let (areaCode, m) = n `divMod` 10000000
             (centralOfficeCode, subscriberNumber) = m `divMod` 10000
         in if areaCode >= 200 && centralOfficeCode >= 200 && centralOfficeCode `mod` 100 /= 11
              then Just (PhoneNumber areaCode centralOfficeCode subscriberNumber)
              else Nothing
    else Nothing


λ: parsePhoneNumber 1234567890
λ: parsePhoneNumber 4155551234
Just (PhoneNumber 415 555 1234)
λ: parsePhoneNumber 4159112277
λ: parsePhoneNumber 4159128347
Just (PhoneNumber 415 912 8347)

Destructing or eliminating values

If we have a Maybe and we're ready to handle both the Nothing case and the Just case we can:

pattern match:

showMaybeInteger :: Maybe Integer -> String
showMaybeInteger m =
  case m of
    Nothing -> "There's nothing here."
    Just x  -> "I have something: " <> show x
λ: showMaybeInteger Nothing
"There's nothing here."
λ: showMaybeInteger (Just 42)
"I have something: 42"

or eliminate:

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
showMaybeInteger' :: Maybe Integer -> String
showMaybeInteger' m =
    "There's nothing here."                -- Nothing
    (\x -> "I have something: " <> show x) -- Just x

Reasons to prefer maybe

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b

More tools to deal with Maybes

Here, have a default

fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a

If we want to do the Javascript thing and make Nothing be 0

λ: let (x, y) = (Nothing, Just 30000)
λ: let jsNumbers = fromMaybe 0
λ: 20 * 2 + 2 + jsNumbers x
λ: jsNumbers y + 1337

Another way to think of Maybes

listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
safeHead' = listToMaybe
λ: maybeToList Nothing
λ: maybeToList (Just "hello")
λ: listToMaybe [1..10]
Just 1
λ: listToMaybe []

Dealing with collections of Maybes

catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
λ: catMaybes [Nothing,Just 1,Just 2,Nothing,Just 4,Just 5]
λ: length . mapMaybe parsePhoneNumber $ [4150000000..4159999999]

Opening up the Typeclassopedia

fmappable things AKA Functor instances

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b

We can write our function without being concerned about Maybe:

call :: PhoneNumber -> String
call (PhoneNumber areaCode centralOfficeCode subscriberNumber) =
  "I called (" <> show areaCode <> ") "
  <> show centralOfficeCode <> " " <> show subscriberNumber
  <> " and had a great conversation!"

and we'll perform computations if we have a Just and otherwise get Nothing

λ: fmap call (parsePhoneNumber 4155551234)
Just "I called (415) 555 1234 and had a great conversation!"
λ: fmap call (parsePhoneNumber 1234567890)

We can text too

data Phone = Android | IPhone | Hipster
text :: Phone -> String
text p =
  case p of
    Android -> "I love swiping when I text."
    IPhone  -> "I love to type character by character."
    Hipster -> "Texting is so 2014."

We can use Maybe Phone to represent those rare times when you forget your cell phone.

λ: fmap text (Just Android)
Just "I love swiping when I text."
λ: fmap text (Just Hipster)
Just "Texting is so 2014."
λ: fmap text Nothing

Applicative instance

callWithPhone :: Phone -> PhoneNumber -> String
callWithPhone phone (PhoneNumber areaCode centralOfficeCode subscriberNumber) =
  let prettyPhoneNumber = "(" <> show areaCode <> ") " <> show centralOfficeCode <> " " <> show subscriberNumber
  in case phone of
      Android -> "Google knows I just called " <> prettyPhoneNumber <> "."
      IPhone  -> "I called " <> prettyPhoneNumber <> " on the best phone!"
      Hipster -> "I called " <> prettyPhoneNumber <> " and asked for their Snapchat ID."
λ: (pure callWithPhone) <*> (pure Android) <*> (parsePhoneNumber 4155551234)
Just "Google knows I just called (415) 555 1234."
λ: (pure callWithPhone) <*> (pure IPhone)  <*> (parsePhoneNumber 1234567890)
λ: (pure callWithPhone) <*> (pure Hipster) <*> (parsePhoneNumber 5035551234)
Just "I called (503) 555 1234 and asked for their Snapchat ID."
λ: (pure callWithPhone) <*> Nothing        <*> (parsePhoneNumber 1234567890)

Pop quiz

What about? (audience participation)

λ: Nothing <*> Nothing <*> Nothing
Mind blown

You don't even need a function for Maybes Applicative instance

λ: Nothing <*> Nothing <*> Nothing
A show about nothing


λ: liftA text (Just Android)
Just "I love swiping when I text."
λ: liftA2 callWithPhone (Just Android) (parsePhoneNumber 4155551234)
Just "Google knows I just called (415) 555 1234."
λ: liftA2 callWithPhone (Just IPhone) (parsePhoneNumber 1234567890)
λ: liftA2 callWithPhone (Just Hipster) (parsePhoneNumber 5035551234)
Just "I called (503) 555 1234 and asked for their Snapchat ID."
λ: liftA2 callWithPhone Nothing (parsePhoneNumber 1234567890)

Further Study

Questions or comments?